
  Blog August 2024 Where All the Roads Come Together August! Summertime is almost spent: the first hint of fall is just over the horizon. One more quick weekend for everyone to get in one move vacation; malls fill with families and back-to-school purchases. We’re ready for whatever lies ahead. Or are we ? Sometimes it happens when least expected. This summer had been perfect. We enjoyed a Viking Cruise along the eastern seaboard and the St. Lawrence River—New York, Boston, Montreal, Toronto, Halifax, Gaspe, and much more.    Our book business jelled. MGM Amazon Prime Video turned full speed ahead with Color of the Prism, and The Russian as movie projects for Amazon Prime. The groundwork has been laid, producers have come forward, trailers have been filmed, the first draft of the screenplay for Prism is complete, and business is moving forward steadily.                             Suddenly, without notice or fanfare, the Covid Grinch visited our home. This is my second go-
  Blog May 2024 A Long Road Ahead All of us have done it at least once in our lives. Regardless of how well we planned, checked, and double-checked our route, resources, and schedule, we found ourselves on a long, narrow road. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. We were supposed to be on an Interstate or an Autobahn, but somehow, this is where we found ourselves. Now, we must look at Plan B if we thought about a backup plan. Welcome to Writing 101. To reach our goal, we must have a Plan B and a C or D. That’s real life in the publishing world. Such was the case in my first novel, “Color of the Prism." We have gone through three publishers and are on our fourth. The story itself sails  well through smooth and rough seas; the same cannot be said for publishing houses.  Some go out of business; others are swallowed up by larger houses, and one or two  run astray of financial crimes and are closed. “Color of the Prism” has had its share of ups and downs, but the story always rises
  Blog April 2024 Arts on the Texas Plains April means springtime, but in West Texas, it means something more than fields of cotton, flowers, and the smell of fresh-cut grass. For us, it is the Lubbock Arts Festival, a time to celebrate the written word, pottery, artistic creations, and fun for all.   It is a time to display one's work, especially for authors. Two author groups that I belong to will have booths where many local and regional authors will sign their novels, nonfiction, and children's books. Of my books, I will focus on my most recent highly acclaimed biblical novel, “The Third Dawn: Bethlehem to Golgotha.” The authors' groups I will collaborate with are the Write Right Critique Group,   and the Caprock Writers and Illustrators Alliance.   Be sure to stop by our booths. We are always side-by-side. In addition to my biblical novel, I will also have my mystery, espionage, and border war series ready for your inspection. And you can always