
May 2024

A Long Road Ahead

All of us have done it at least once in our lives. Regardless of how well we planned, checked, and double-checked our route, resources, and schedule, we found ourselves on a long, narrow road. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. We were supposed to be on an Interstate or an Autobahn, but somehow, this is where we found ourselves.

Now, we must look at Plan B if we thought about a backup plan. Welcome to Writing 101. To reach our goal, we must have a Plan B and a C or D. That’s real life in the publishing world. Such was the case in my first novel, “Color of the Prism."

We have gone through three publishers and are on our fourth. The story itself sails

 well through smooth and rough seas; the same cannot be said for publishing houses.

 Some go out of business; others are swallowed up by larger houses, and one or two

 run astray of financial crimes and are closed.

“Color of the Prism” has had its share of ups and downs, but the story always rises to

 the surface: it sells well year after year. Now, with our fourth publisher, it has, once

 again, caught the eye of a major movie producer. It has passed the challenges so far of

 making the transition from book to film.              

 We can see the end of the highway. “Prism” is not quite there yet, but the light at the

 end of the highway is not a train bearing down on us, but the rising sun bringing us

 the refreshing light of day. In another few weeks, we will know whether “Prism” will

 make it or not, but now it is very positive. MGM Amazon Prime Video looks like a

 bright light for this novel, introducing the reader to life inside the cartel.

It is not for the faint of heart.



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