2020 Challenges

Spend a day of simple relaxation with nothing on your mind. That is, nothing except it is raining havoc on your cotton crop, the pandemic is in full force, the fall flu season is here, and the election looms dead ahead.

Relax? How about a soothing swim in a beautiful stream filled with piranha?       

There can be no question this year has been a challenge for everyone and the forecast for the coming months does not bode well either. Will it be trying? Yes, indeed. Can we overcome it? Without a doubt.

Our immediate and extended family coped with the 2020 challenges with calm and clearly thought-out planning and implementation. Six months ago, we never heard of PPE, Social Distancing, nor of not going out for a weekend dinner or ballgame with friends. All our plans for a family reunion in Arizona, a family wedding in Colorado, and a business trip to Oklahoma were dashed with one simple word, “COVID.”

Nevertheless, two basic principles guided us through this COVID minefield. Number one, we did not buy-in to the “conspiracy” theory of who was good and who was evil. We simply accepted the illness as a fact of life and dealt with it.

Number two was an anonymous saying we learned long ago, “The difference between an ordeal and an adventure is your attitude.”

From the grandparents to the youngest elementary student, we met it head-on, didn’t panic, and implemented a lifestyle to allow us to move forward. We adjusted much of what we did, with whom, and where we went. But we did it. Not always a fun adventure, but it was the best we could do and there was no shame in that.

However, something bright may have come from it. What about my next novel, or should I say, “Short Story?” We can name it, “Looking at 2020 with 20/20 Vision.”

Also, as we committed to carry on with our lives, my newest novel, “We Were Young Once …,” plowed through editing, cover design, and narration. It will hit the market at the close of this month.

The second in the Border War Series following “Color of the Prism,” this newest novel is set on the New Mexico/Chihuahua border in the near ghost town of Hachita, New Mexico.

The third installment of the series, “The Russian,” will go to the publisher in early 2021.

Join us at www.thomasjnichols.com/, and at www.amazon.com/Thomas-J.-Nichols/e/B00BD861OM/


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