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April 2022 – Spring is in the Air

Spring is more than an annual season on the calendar. While we embrace the refreshing sweet breeze, the flowers popping their little heads through the soil, and the fragrance of newness, more so, we welcome the vitality of a new life growing before us.


For those of us involved in the arts in West Texas and eastern New Mexico, spring brought us the Annual Arts Festival, an abundance of water and oil paintings, musicians, sculpture, woodwork, weaving, and books of every genre.  It was a grand party! Not only were the artists ready to break free from the winter months and pandemic rules, but so was the population as a whole.



The Caprock Writers and Illustrators Alliance, along with the Write Right Critique Group presented books of every genre to the public, and they were in the mood. Months of restricted activities had come to an end, and the Arts Festival was ready. Indeed, spring had arrived, kids got their face paintings, parents and grandparents shopped to their hearts and wallets content, and all was right with the world.

Spring. Refreshing. Laughter. Couples holding hands. Babies sleeping in their parent’s backpacks.

It was good for the soul.

“Color of the Prism” continues to be our best-seller; however, everything sold well—The Christie Cole Trilogy, the entire Border War Series, and the biggest surprise was the number of “Sweet Emily” that sold. Overall, we sold out of everything over the weekend.

Yes, indeed. Spring sprang and all was well with the world.

Stop by and  A world of mystery and espionage awaits you--novels so alive you question whether they are true stories or fiction. Actually, all of them are based on real events in the life of the author-sometimes studious, sometimes dead serious, sometimes chilling out. 






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